DNM 24 DNM 24

Neuroscience Meeting

Neuroscience Meeting

Tiel, The Netherlands • 13-14 June 2024

Tiel, The Netherlands
13-14 June 2024


  • General
  • Abstracts and Posters
  • Master Students
  • Speakers
  • Session Organisers
  • Helpdesk
  • To participate, you must:

    1. Sign up

    The first step is signing up. Only after signing up will you have access to your personal myDNM24 area, from which you will have access to a variety of additional information.

    Members of the Organising Committee, session chairs and all their speakers already have an account'; please don't create another one! If you have any questions, contact us —we're here to help!

    2. Submit an abstract (through your personal myDNM24 area)

    • mandatory, if you are a speaker (your session chair has provided you with information about this);
    • optional, for anyone else (these abstracts will be considered for inclusion in the Poster sessions; accepted abstracts will be listed here after 30 April 2024).

    3. Pay (see also the payment page)

    That's the hard part (unless your expenses are covered, of course!), but remember that payment is fundamental for the organisation of this excellent meeting.

    If you are a chair or a regular speaker (not the main speaker of each session), you need to process your payment within 8 April 2024.


    The official language of the meeting, both for oral and poster presentations, is English.

  • Abstracts

    The guidelines for the preparation of abstracts are the same for everyone. The guidelines shown below are also available through the abstract submission form. Abstracts are submitted exclusively through this website, through your personal myDNM24 area.

    The title must start in uppercase and continue in lowercase, except for conventional terms (ATP, DNA, NFκB, etc). Example:
        This title is written correctly

         This Title is Not Properly Written

    If more than one author (but only in that case), underline your name (the presenting author, in whatever position you appear in the author list) and use commas to separate the author names; do not use 'and' before the last author. Write your name and surname in full; for any other authors use initial(s) for the first name(s) followed by the surname. If more than one affiliation (but only in that case), use sequential superscript numbers to identify each institution. Example:
      M. Rossi1, J. Doe2, F.C. Bloggs1,2
      1Dept Biomembranes, Golgi & Veratti Univ., Pavia, Italy
      2Dept Bioblast Analyses, Altmann Univ., Leipzig, Germany

    Keep the abstract text to within 2000 characters, spaces included (this is roughly equivalent to 250 words).

    All speakers should submit an abstract for their presentation. All other participants are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster presentation.

  • Master Students

    As a result of a combined effort by the Dutch Neuroscience Meeting organisers, the Dutch Neurofederation, and various neuroscience-focussed Graduate Schools within the Netherlands, Master students who present a poster at one of the two poster sessions can attend the meeting FOR FREE on that day.

    All Master students are encouraged to participate.

    N.B. Master students awarded a waived registration who do not show up to present their poster will be charged 30 EUR after the meeting.

  • Speakers

    All speakers already have an account. As a speaker, you are kindly requested to

    • 1) check/complete the pre-registered data (your session chair may have provided incomplete information)
    • 2) submit an abstract (speakers are kindly requested to do so as soon as possible)
    • 3) unless you are the main speaker of your session, you also need to process your payment within 8 April 2024

    To complete these steps, please access your myDNM24 area; you will need your e-mail address and a password. For your first access, please request a temporary password from the automated system: just click the "Lost, forgotten, or unknown password" link in the login page. If you need any clarifications, please contact us .

    If you wish to register an accompanying person please contact us .

    Presentation format

    The format of your presentation (duration and discussion times) should have been communicated to you by your session chair. Presentations should be in English. Please remember that most people in your audience are not native English speakers - speak clearly (whether or not English is your native tongue) and not too fast.

    Beamer equipment is available in all lecture rooms. Your session chair is in charge of the computer logistics. Room assistance is available during each session for additional help. Please contact your session chair or co-chair well in advance of the start of your session to arrange for a swift change of files between presentations. The organisers' suggestion to the moderators is for all presentation files to be collected on a single laptop.

    For any questions, contact your direct session organiser (chair). If you need any clarifications, please contact us .


    If you are entitled to reimbursements, you can download a reimbursement form from this page. Please fill in the form as requested and return it by mail to the meeting treasurer no later than 15 July 2024. Please pay particular attention when filling in your data; for reimbursement forms that are properly filled in, the organisation can ensure a swift bank transfer (most often in less than a month).

    Note that the travel costs eligible for reimbursement are based on air fare APEX tourist class, 2nd class train fares, and local taxi costs; also, remember that the organisers need a copy of all your tickets.

    The address of the meeting treasurer is:

    Jocelien Olivier
    University of Groningen
    Nijenborgh 7
    9747 AG Groningen
    The Netherlands

  • Session Organisers

    All Session Organisers (chairs & co-chairs) have already an account. You are kindly requested to complete the online registration by accessing your personal myDNM24 area; you will need your e-mail address and a password. For your first access, please request a temporary password from the automated system: just click the "Lost, forgotten, or unknown password" link in the login page. If you need any clarifications, please contact us .

    Through your personal myDNM24 area you may also submit an abstract for a poster presentation.

    Please remember that, as a session chair, you need to process your payment within 8 April 2024.

    In addition to the Instructions for Proposal Submission (that included the guidelines for your original session proposal; this document is also available in your personal myDNM24 area), the Organising Committee provides the following suggestions in the hope that these will contribute to the successful development of your session and the meeting in general.

    Your task at the meeting is to chair the session and oversee the computer logistics. A beamer (with an HDMI connection) is available during the session but you need to bring a laptop to complete the projection equipment; make sure that you have appropriate adaptor(s). Room assistance will be available. The organisers strongly advise you to collect all the presentation files on a single laptop prior to your session. This will guarantee a smooth exchange between the presentations. Please note that this is a strictly "in-person" meeting and remote presentations cannot be supported.

    Please ensure strict adherence to the schedule stated in the programme. This is crucial in order to enable participants interested in different subjects to move between different parallel sessions. Please understand that this is of the utmost importance and convey the concept to all your speakers.

  • Helpdesk

    Doubts about something? Don't panic: if you need any help, we'll be happy to assist you.
    Before the meeting, contact us by e-mail .

    During the meeting, the registration desk is open as indicated below. At any other times, various members of the Organising Committee will also be able to provide you with helpful directions if you need them.

    Registration Desk

    At the van der Valk Hotel, the registration desk will be open on:

    • Thursday, 13 June: 9:00-14:00 and 15:30-18:00
    • Friday, 14 June: 9:00-14:00

    Remember that a lot of information about the status of your registration (attendance days, abstract submitted, etc) is available through your personal myDNM24 area.